Monday, November 17, 2014

Trying to make pumpkin empanadas to my husband's expectation....

OMGoodness, when your husband craves his grandmother's empanadas you know your are up a creek.  I paddled up that creek with thoughts of victory. Alas, there was no victory, grandma made them thinner and that was my defeat. I knew that grandma has cheated and used pie crust but my hubby having tasted my pie crust said grandma couldn't have used pie crust it was not flaky.  Not flaky hah! ....Well it's hard trying to please everyone. So grandma a million, new wife zero. I'll take that though I know the man loves me more than my luggage so it's all good.

1 comment:

  1. They may not be made perfectly, but your aim to please is perfect. :)
