Sunday, March 8, 2015

Fun things to make with the Christmas cards you hopefully received!!

This was so fun but I made the circles in the instructions too big they needed to be exactly 2 inches these are huge. It was fun and you can find the instructions on Pinterest. Just Google how to make ornaments from Christmas cards.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Our journey & dental work

I met this wonderful man and he had some dental issues. Well finally after falling in love and being thankful for this wonderful gift from God. Our prayers are finally answered my wonderful husband is finally getting his teeth fixed so thankful and will update with pictures.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Trying to make pumpkin empanadas to my husband's expectation....

OMGoodness, when your husband craves his grandmother's empanadas you know your are up a creek.  I paddled up that creek with thoughts of victory. Alas, there was no victory, grandma made them thinner and that was my defeat. I knew that grandma has cheated and used pie crust but my hubby having tasted my pie crust said grandma couldn't have used pie crust it was not flaky.  Not flaky hah! ....Well it's hard trying to please everyone. So grandma a million, new wife zero. I'll take that though I know the man loves me more than my luggage so it's all good.

Friday, November 14, 2014

The Holidays are upon us!! 2 more weeks till Thanksgiving!!

How great is it that the Holidays are here?  Only problem is THE HOLIDAYS ARE HERE!!  So this morning I am listening to Worship music and making lists. A to do list because at my age I need one of those - daily.  I have my trusty alarms on my phone.  I think every hour between 6 am and 12am are filled.  So back to my lists.  Funny thing is I hope I remember where I put them.  Pay the bills, groceries, make all the necessary Dr. and Dentist appointments, I know I need to scrub something in this place, walk on the treadmill because hubby is threatening to take it to the curb.  Apparently it really isn't part of household decor.  In all this rush, I do need to remember my first love and I am thankful to have "TMWHITW" The most wonderful husband in the world.  He reminds me of things lovingly and sometimes not so lovelingly.  The most important reminder is that he is daily in the Word of our Father and I need to be as well.  God's word speaks to us busy moms.  Don't forget that as a busy mom we need to remember our value and worth.  Spending an hour waiting for the call from the school about an important teacher conference or waiting on hold to schedule the dentist appt., as well as just being the household secretary while remember to take out the roast for tomorrow nights dinner and make sure you don't forget that one of the kids needs something important for school this week.  My husband realizes as he works I do work.  Maybe in a more comfortable place then he does but I do work for my family as well.  Most importantly I prayed for God to bless me to be a stay at home Momma again and oh how He loves me.  I feel blessed beyond measure, Heavenly Father thank you for your word, which keeps me on track to be the Momma you called me to be in a house full of teenagers. Now back to those lists, lest I forget the most important jobs to make things run smoothly in our home.  God bless you ladies who are crocheting or knitting their hearts out for this holiday season, those projects are just another thing to add to our long lists.  Well ladies or gents, God bless have a wonderful productive day----- or not.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

It doesn't always go like clockwork...

....Ever wake up to your child screaming??? It wasn't a catastrophe, it wasn't an injury, it wasn't even that we had run out of milk for cereal.  He couldn't find his gym shorts and he didn't want an F in that class.  Well he woke up the hubby, and from there on the morning took a turn.  Not a great turn, not a better turn kinda like a U-turn that you didn't quite clear and you have to back up to clear that turn.  Crabbiness is not a mood I like to encounter ever, but alas it does happen even to the best most wonderful husband in the world,  I would like to be clear that this man I married is the best, most wonderful husband in the world and ever.  He is such a gift from God.  Today he wasn't happy and who can blame him.  The best thing I could do from here on out is pray for my teenager, pray for husband and pray over my home.  Now I need to call the school I found the shorts.  Oh yeah and finish this beanie I started it needs to be finished asap, winter is going to be here soon.
Beanie for Joe